Republic of Uzbekistan

General information on collaboration

Collaboration with Uzbek physicists began with the Institute’s foundation in 1956. Famous Uzbek physicists Academicians S.A. Azimov, G.Ya. Umarov, U.G. Gulyamov, A.A. Abdurazakov and others were among the first collaborators. Academicians K.G. Gulyamov, T.M. Muminov, M.M. Musakhanov, B.S. Yuldashev and professor U.S. Salikhbaev played a significant role in the development and strengthening of scientific contacts with JINR. In June 1992, the Republic of Uzbekistan joined JINR as an independent Member State. Academician B.S. Yuldashev, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was appointed as Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Uzbekistan in JINR.

Collaborative research with Uzbek scientists has been covering a wide range of tasks in the fields of theoretical and experimental physics. A large team of specialists from Uzbekistan was trained in the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR under supervision of internationally acclaimed theoretical physicists, such as N.N. Bogoliubov, V.G. Soloviov, I.N. Mikhailov, V.G. Kadyshevsky, V.N. Pervushin, V.B. Belyaev, R.B. Jolos and others. Their research covered a wide range of topics including quantum field theory, chromodynamics, etc. With active participation of Uzbek theoretical physicists (V.B. Belyaev, V.N. Pervushin, M.M. Musakhanov), the chiral model of “pouches” was created, development of which led to the QSD instantonic model of vacuum, which successfully explained a wide range of phenomena in hadron physics. A set of superfield models of quantum field theory and super gravity (V.N. Pervushin, M.M. Musakhanov, V.B. Belyaev, A.M. Rakhimov) was worked out. The nuclear theory and the theory of nuclear reactions with heavy ions was successfully developed jointly with Uzbek scientists (V.G. Soloviov, I.N. Mikhailov, R. Nazmiddinov, B. Choriev). Scientists from Uzbekistan (Z. Kanokov, Sh.A. Kalandarov, A.I. Muminov and A.K. Nasirov) together with their Dubna colleagues (V.V. Volkov, R.V. Jolos, G.G. Adamyan and N.V. Antonenko) made a significant contribution to development of the model of binary nuclear system. Collaboration of famous scientists from such world centres as GSI (Darmstadt, Germany), INFN-LNS (Catania, Italy), GANIL (Caen, France), and the China Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academy of Sciences of China (Beijing, PRC) with authors of this model confirms its significance in the study of the mechanism of nuclear reactions with heavy ions. The series of scientific works in this field was repeatedly (in 1992 and 2004) awarded the First Prize of JINR.

Cooperation in the fields of high energy physics is connected with widely recognised scientists such as A.M. Baldin, B.G. Grishin, A.A. Kuznetsov, V.A. Nikitin, Yu.A. Budagov and others. Scientists from Uzbekistan notably contributed to successful conducting of experiments on observation of radiation decay of vector mesons, measurement of pi mesons’ form-factors, acquiring a vast experimental material on interactions of relativistic nuclei with target nucleons, etc. For the first time, a universal (for different projectile nuclei and targets) operative control method for luminosity of the beam interacting with a target in the fields of atomic and nuclear physics with the help of delta-electrons was presented. A model describing formation of eta-meson nucleus was suggested that was based on the idea of exceptional role of the S11-nuclon resonance. The group of DLNP JINR staff members (Yu.A. Budagov, V.V. Glagolev, A.M. Artikov and others), who took part in the international CDF (FNAL, USA) cooperation projects, greatly contributed to unprecedentedly accurate measurement of t-quark mass that, together with other precise measurements of this mass and of the W-boson mass, allowed scientists to narrow the areas of masses for Higgs-boson search.

Close cooperation in the fields of experimental nuclear physics was encouraged with the Scientific and Experimental Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems. In cooperation with leading scientists, namely K.Ya. Gromov, V.A. Morozov, V.G. Kalinnikov, Ts. Vylov, V.B. Brudanin, Uzbek scientists A.A. Abdurazakov, T.M. Muminov, B.A. Alikov, T.A. Islamov, U.S. Salikhbaev, R.R. Usmanov, A.K. Inoiatov significantly contributed to development of methodological base and getting the unique spectroscopic data on the properties of excited nuclides. Over the years of cooperation, more that 100 new radioactive isotopes with a half-life period up to split seconds were discovered in the frames of the NSONPB (Nuclear Spectroscopy at the Protons Beam) project.

JINR Directorate highly appreciated Uzbek scientists for their contribution to implementation of JINR research programmes. University staff members (A.A. Abdurazakov, 1966; A.K. Inoyatov, 1985; A.K. Nasirov, 1992 and 2004; A.M. Artikov, 2005 and the PEPAN Prize in 2007) within the international group of physicists from Dubna, were awarded several JINR prizes. The Government of Uzbekistan highly evaluated joint research projects conducted at JINR, and professors K.Ya. Gromov, A.A. Abdurazakov, T.M. Muminov and B.S. Yuldashev were awarded the Uzbekistan National A. Beruni Prize for the series of research that greatly contributed to development of fundamental science. T.M. Muminov (2003) and B.S. Yuldashev (2005) were granted the title of “JINR Honor Doctors” for achievements in strengthening scientific relations between JINR and Uzbekistan. T.M. Muminov and M.M. Musakhanov, as members of the JINR Scientific Council, participated in development of priority programmes of JINR scientific research.

JINR is a traditional scientific platform for training high-skilled nuclear physicists for the JINR Member States including Uzbekistan. For 60 years of cooperation, over 150 scientists and specialists from Uzbekistan have graduated the scientific school of JINR, and Uzbek physical science has gained dozens of doctors and candidates of sciences in the fields of physics. Students of the Dubna scientific school took prominent positions in the scientific and social life of Uzbekistan: 7 scientists became academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. B.S. Yuldashev was elected as President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (2000-2005). Professor U.S. Salikhbaev is now Head of the largest Institute of Nuclear Physics in the Republic and manages bilateral cooperation.

Nowadays, 12 scientists and specialists from Uzbekistan take part in implementation of research programmes in the JINR Laboratories. Head of the National Group of Uzbekistan, Head of DLNP Sector A.M. Artikov led a group of DLNP staff members in 2000-2012 that provided effective operation of the system of cintillation detectors of muon trigger at the CDF facility at Tevatron (Fermilab, USA); he participated in collecting and analysis of experimental data. Nowadays, he participates in development of a detector system for active protection from cosmic muons in the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab. BLTP Leading Researcher A.K. Nasirov together with colleagues from Dubna and the University of Messina (Italy) conducts theoretical research on further development of the binuclear system model, search for new appropriate reactions for synthesis of new superheavy elements and participates in analysis of the experimental data obtained at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and other research centers around the world (India, South Korea), where experiments with heavy ions are carried out. DLNP Leading Researcher A.K. Inoyatov is one of the developers of the precision electrostatic beta-spectrometer ESA-50 and now supervises research in the field of nuclear electron spectrometry. Together with colleagues from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, he conducts research on development of ultra-stable sources of energy benchmarks for tritium neutrino experiments. Research at the ESA-50 spectrometer is supported by grants of RFBR, Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Czech Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan. LIT Senior Researcher E.B. Dushanov, jointly with specialists from the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the Tashkent University of Information Technologies, took part in the project on development of the JINR GRID segments and its integration into the infrastructure of the global Internet network. This project was successfully completed by creation of local resources in Uzbekistan, and is effectively used in joint grid computing. Scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of UAS U.S. Salikhbaev, E.B. Dushanov and M.Yu. Tashmetov collaborate with scientists from the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics in the fields of study of the effect of sulfoxides on intermembrane interactions, structure and properties of model lipid membranes. BLTP Researcher Sh.A. Kalandarov has been collaborating with colleagues from FLNR in research on application of the binuclear system model to describe nuclear fission and triple collinear fission. Moreover, Sh. Kalandarovhas cooperates with colleagues from European research centers GANIL (France), GSI (Germany), IPN Orsay (France), INFN Catania (Italy) and INFN Florence (Italy).

Leading Researcher Z.A. Igamkulov is a co-author of development of the method for determining luminosity of reactions at the internal target of the Nuclotron using the ∆Е-Е semiconducting detector. This method makes it possible to register delta-electrons emitted from the atoms of the inner target after interaction with The Nuclotron beam. Z.A. Igamkulov also participated in development of the model of formation of the eta meson nucleus as well as in creation of the unique two-arm facility SKAN-2, which makes it possible to register products of the decay of S11 resonance and carry out the spectrometric analysis of it. VBLHEP researchers K.Z. Mamatkulov and R.R. Kattabekov take part in the BECQUEREL project aimed at study of 10C cluster structures. In the frames of this project, the analysis of samples of nuclear emulsion has been made that have been irradiated by thermal, fast neutrons (IBR-2), slow heavy ions (IC-100 and U-400, FLNR) and ultrarelativistic muons (CERN).

Researcher A.G. Bazhanin took an active part in studies of the mechanisms of nuclear reactions with heavy ions and cluster collapse of stable and radioactive nuclei on the basis of the kinematic fragment-separator COMBAS. Nowadays, he is engaged in work on development of the time projection chamber for the MPD-NICA. A.G. Bazhanin has repeatedly become laureate of competitions for grants for young scientists and specialists organized by AYSS JINR. In 2016, he was awarded the Academician A.M. Baldin Youth Scholarship for 2015. A.G. Bazhanin takes an active part in the sports life of the Institute. In 2012 — 2017, he repeatedly became winner of team and individual tournaments of JINR in chess, weight lifting, swimming and archery. As a member of the JINR team, he won prizes in the Dubna city competitions.

At the dissertations councils of the JINR Laboratories, one doctoral (A.K. Inoyatov, DLNP) and two candidates’ (Sh.A. Kalandarov and K.Z. Mamatkulov, VBLHEP) theses were defended.

  • Natalia M. Dokalenko
    JINR coordinator of the collaboration with the Republic of Uzbekistan, SO&ICO Senior Engineer

  • +7 (49621) 6-50-11


Scientific Themes and Projects

The scientists of Uzbekistan take part in the research work on the following themes of the Topical plan for JINR research and international cooperation 2025:

  • Theoretical Physics
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
  • Elementary Particle Physics and High-Enegry Heavy-Ion Physics
    Cooperation on 4 themes.
  • Nuclear Physics
    Cooperation on 2 themes.
  • Condensed Matter Physics
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
  • Radiation Research in Life Sciences
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
  • Information Technology
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
  • Applied Innovation Activities
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
  • Physics and Technology of Charged Particle Accelerators
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
  • Organization of Scientific Activity and International Cooperation. Strengthening Human Resources. Educational Programme
    Cooperation on 1 theme.
Plenipotentiary representative

Since September 2019, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in JINR is Bekhzod Yuldashev, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The plenipotentiaries of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in JINR:

    1992 – 2006
  • Bekhzod S. Yuldashev, Academician of AS RU, professor, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics AS RU (1990 – 2006);

  • 2006 – 2019
  • Umar S. Salikhbaev, Professor, Director of Institute of Nuclear Physics AS RU.

  • 2019 – present day
  • Bekhzod S. Yuldashev, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Member of the Scientific Council

Bekhzod S. Yuldashev, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Ilkham Sadikov, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) are currently members of the Scientific Council of JINR.

Mirzayusuf M. Musakhanov, Professor of the Department of Nuclear Physics of the National University of Uzbekistan, was elected at different times as a member of the JINR Scientific Council.

National groups

The languages of international communication at JINR are Russian and English. However, one can hear the speech in many languages in Dubna, including the languages of JINR member-states when the countrymen, the representatives of the same expatriates’ community (the national groups of JINR), meet each other.

Over the years of existence of JINR the national groups have developed their traditions, forms of cooperation and collaboration with other national groups. Their leaders, appointed by the plenipotentiaries of the JINR member-states play an organizing role in the life of national groups.

  • Anvar Inoyatov
    Head of the national group of the Republic of Uzbekistan, DLNP JINR chief researcher

  • +7 (496) 216-39-56
    +7 (496) 216-40-10


  • Abdurakhimov Bekhzodjon Abdurakhmanovich
    Deputy Head of the national group of the Republic of Uzbekistan, FLNP engineer

  • +7 (496) 216-30-66


Being in constant contact with plenipotentiaries, embassies of member-states, JINR’s directorate and management services, they take part in the solution of the problems connected with the stay of their colleagues-countrymen and their families in Russia, with the organization of their life and leisure.

The Council of the leaders of the national groups meets periodically. The representatives of the Directorate and the services of the Institute are invited to its meetings. The agenda includes the discussion of the urgent problems of the collaborators from the member-states.

On the occasions of major public holidays of the member-states, the national groups arrange receptions. These festive events are held accompanied by art exhibitions, photo exhibitions, and enrich JINR staff members’ knowledge about the member-states, their people and culture.

Celebration of Nowruz, spring holiday with it distinctive local east colour, in JINR became a good annual tradition upon an initiative of the Uzbek, Kazakh and Azerbaijanian National groups. The highlight of the programme is tasty pilaff cooked by the Uzbek National group.

National Holidays
  • New Year – 1-2 January;
  • International Women’s Day – 8 March;
  • Nowruz – 21 March;
  • Day of Remembrance and Honors – 9 May;
  • Independence Day – 1 September;
  • Day of a Teacher and Mentor – 1 October;
  • Constitution’s Day – 8 December;
  • First days of religious holidays of Ruza Khait and Kurban Khait.

Contact Information on the Embassies

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation:

Russian Embassy in the Republic of Uzbekistan: